Monday July 8th was the first night of VBS-Follow the Star! Everyone enjoyed a meal of baked spaghetti, bread, salad, and the-all-important cookies. After reading the nativity story from the Bible, “Mary“ visited us and told us about the night Jesus was born. She taught us our scripture for the week from Jeremiah 29:13. Everyone had a great time playing bowling and Put the Baby in the Manger (played like Pin the tail on the Donkey). Ms. Kelsey Dacci guided us thru the steps in making several ornaments for our trees this coming Chrsitmas.

Everyone arrived full of excitement for day 2 of VBS-Follow the Star. The evening began with a meal of pizza, chips and fruit. Then we heard about how the shepherds reacted to their visit from the angels announcing Jesus’s birth. Since the theme for the evening was shepherds, games were played with candy canes and the Story of the Candy Cane was read to all. The children loved playing percussion instruments while singing Christmas carols. Before the evening finished everyone started working on a nativity lantern made from canning jars.

The last night of VBS-Follow the Star was held one Wednesday, July 10th. The meal consisted of hotdogs, tater tots, fruit, baked beans, and cupcakes and ice cream for dessert. “The Magi“ arrived to tell of his journey to find baby Jesus. Then a bingo game-Follow the Star- was played before playing a game to receive the first Christmas gift of 2024. Each child received a flashlight, because Jesus came as the Light of the World and each child was asked to shine their light for Jesus. The nativity lanterns were finished and then each child filled a necklace with frankincense. It was a wonderful week of celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus!