A Brief History of Cynthiana Presbyterian Church:
1829 - 2004 compiled by Sally Kinney.
2004 - Present compiled by several members.
The Rev. W. H. Forsyth and the Rev. Samuel Taylor formally organized the Cynthiana Presbyterian Church on December 11, 1829. On that date, the 34 members of the congregation ( which had already been meeting for several years ) elected two ruling elders and held the first Session Meeting, with the Rev. Taylor as moderator. Isaac Miller was examined and received into the fellowship, thus becoming the first person to join the newly organized church. The first brick church building had been erected in 1825 on the south side of East Pleasant Street on land given in 1820 by Richard & Fanny Henderson, and Isaac & Elizabeth Miller.
Little is known of the early life of the church. The membership climbed to 63, then fell to 25. In 1836 the congregation decided to relocate the Pleasant Street building to Main Street on land donated by William Lamme. This building, erected in 1837, was razed in 1876, and the congregation met in the Baptist and Methodist churches or in homes until 1880, when the downstairs auditorium of the present building was occupied. The second floor sanctuary was completed and dedicated in 1887, when, it was noted, the building was "debt free".
The church celebrated its 80th anniversary in 1909. This celebration included an organ recital on the " splendid new pipe organ ". In 1920 memorial windows were installed in the Sanctuary, and the Cook Memorial Annex, which contained a ladies' parlor on the first floor and three classrooms upstairs, was added in 1921 through a legacy from William A. Cook.
On October 13, 1929, the church celebrated its Centennial Anniversary with morning, afternoon and evening services. The President of the Louisville Theological Seminary, delivered the Centennial Sermon in the evening. His text was Proverbs 22:28: " Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set. "
In the 1930's and 1940's an emphasis was given to growing a youth ministry, including Vacation Bible School for 65 children, and a Men's and Woman's Sunday School Class. In 1949 a donation of the iron fence and gates around the church were made to the scrap iron drive in support of the war effort.
A highlight of the 1950's was the building of a modern educational building. It was first used for Sunday School on August 7, 1955. An open house for the community, on October 9th, was attended by more than 500 people. The dedication of the building, which had been postponed until it was " debt-free, " was celebrated with a Family Night Supper in the Fellowship Hall on January 24, 1962.
A very difficult period in the church's history occurred between 1970 - 1973. During that time, there was a conflict within the congregation, which ultimately led to a split in the church, an event that was heartbreaking to many members. After resolution by church and secular courts, a large number of members left this church and established the Covenant Presbyterian Church. The Cynthiana Presbyterian Church remained a part of the PC ( USA ). ( Note: A detailed account of the events of that time can be found in The Story of the Cynthiana Presbyterian Church 1829 - 1979 by: Elder Lloyd E. Rogers. )
In 1992 the church received members from its " mother church " Mt. Pleasant Church in Broadwell, which sadly had closed and the building destroyed in a wind storm. In 1993 an elevator was installed to increase access to the sanctuary, a project that was completed due primarily to a generous bequest from the estate of long - time member and elder James S. Whaley.