Welcome to “The Good Life Digest“ where you can find ways to serve our Lord, the church and community!

The Pastor’s Desk

During this busy time of the year, at times we get so caught up in the “trappings” of the season, that we tend to forget the real reason. I know we hear this all the time - “Jesus is the reason for the season” but when baking cookies, decorating, shopping, and figuring out menus, do we really keep Jesus in the forefront? I’m suggesting we each take time during this busy season to meditate and pray. We all seem to know the story so well, we tend to ignore hearing it again. We look forward to the carols and candles, smiling at the thoughts, sights and sounds (as well as the tastes) of the season. Yet so often, we long for it to just be over with already! Make some time to seriously meditate and listen to God. It can be as simple as turning off your phone, turning off your TV and radio, and simply listening. Too often, we pray FOR something, be it health, peace, wisdom, concern - whatever. But I’d like you all to just make an effort to daily find a calm time and place to free your mind and spirit, and let the little Christ child enter! Put your heart and mind into the spiritual aspect of this season! Of course I’m not suggesting you trash your tree and dump the cookies - just don’t let them overshadow the Christ child!

Worship Committee

Lectionary Readings for: January

January 5:

  • Psalm 147: 12 - 20

  • Ephesians 1: 3 - 14

    January 12:

  • Isaiah 43: 1 - 7

  • Luke 3: 15 - 17, 21 - 22

    January 19:

  • Isaiah 62: 1 - 5

  • John 2: 1 - 11

    January 26:

  • Psalm 19

  • Luke 4: 14 - 21

Worship Assistants for 2025

Ushers for January: Teresa Davis and Betsy Smith
The names of the Deacons listed
first of every month is the Head DEACON for that month. They are also in charge of their Flock who will attend Cedar Ridge Service at the first Sunday of the month.

Sunday School starts at 10:00 AM

Worship Service starts at 11:00 AM

Liturgist for January is Jim Swinford

Communion Preparer for January : Tina Swinford

Our Cedar Ridge Service is January 5 at 2:00 PM. Please be at Cedar Ridge by 1:45 PM to visit with the “church crowd” and help pass out hymnals.

Flock 2 (Goldfinches), Deacon: Teresa Davis, Mike Davis, Joe & Jill Rosenbaum, Barbara Rosenbaum, David Wirebaugh, Julian Gray, George Paul Hehr, Jr., Mryna Slade, Jim Wilson, Neil & Kathy Rush, Kate Foley, Emma, Nash & Elon Diss, Kay Johnson.

Education & Nurture Committee

The prayer concerns listed below are prayed for during the morning worship services. The Education and Nurture Committee provide a card for the congregants to sign. These prayer cards will be mailed to people for whom we pray. If you are adding a name to our concerns list, please provide the address to the church office. The church will be responsible for mailing the card. Please remember to sign the cards before or after worship. They are placed in the narthex of the church.

Prayer Concerns

Peace in USA,
Peace in Europe, Ukraine and Israel, Mission Personnel, Teachers and Students, Pastor Nominating Committee

Cedar Ridge - Harold & Vel Martin, Bill Probus, Lois Sifford, Elmer Smith, Zel Schulman

A -

Bob Ammerman

B -

Joan Bowman (Sherri Williams’ mother)

Melinda Renaker Boyer

Dalton Brooks (12 yr old - serious accident)

C -

Eden Carter

Rev. Dr. Curtis T. Christian (Pastor at Richmond 1st Pres- Injuries from fall)

Dan Clark

Debbie Cooper

Lance Curtis

D -

Nash Diss

F -

Dan Fischer

Sheila Preece Frey

Cassie Fryman

Ruth Fryman

G -

Andy Gawura (terminal illiness)

Melinda Clyde Greenwood

H -

Hoppy Hinton

Darrin Hill (Paul Tucker’s cousin)

April Hutchinson

J -

Angela Harney Judy

K -

John Kirk

L -

Reba Lewis (Ed Smith’s cousin)

Angela Livingood

M -

Leslie Martin

Marty Mastin

N -

Montana Nickell (needs stem cells)

P -

Rod Paris

Rachel Florence Poe

Beverly Midden Price

Kathy Pritt

R -

Les & Barbra Renkey (Ed Smith’s Stepfather & Mother)

Lisa Rodgers

Barbara Rosenbaum

Jessica (Jill Rosenbaum’s Sister)

Joe Rosenbaum

Colleen O’Keefe Rush (Neil Rush’s Sister-in-Law)

S -

Emma Smith

Paula Smith

T -

Paul Tucker

W -

Sue Walker

Mark Wells

Kay Whitaker

James Williams



January 3: Sue Burrier

January 9: Charlotte Dacci

January 14: Kris Caldwell, Myrna Slade

January 16: Anne Arnold Ratliff

January 17: Wally Hehr

January 23: Meredith Ramage

January 24: Audrey Hausberger

January 26: Laura Wachter

January 29: Bill Selin

January 30: Kathy Rush, Kitty Lake

January 31: Nash Arnold


January 2: Paul & Ginny Tucker

January 20: George & Susan Rose

Administration & Finance Committee

Cynthiana Presbyterian Church - Congregational Offerings and Expenses:

For November:

November 2024 Congregational Offerings - $8,240.30

November 2024 Expenses - $18,126.22

Fellowship and Membership Activities

Reading Between The Wines:

There is no meeting for January because the wine house is closed for the winter months.

Believe it or Not Book Club:

Meets on Tuesday, January 21 at noon at the Main Cup. The book is Those We Thought We Knew by David Joy. (Even if you aren’t available for book club, you do not want to miss out on this book!!!)

Third Thursday Trivia Night:

Is set for January 16. Meet at Maidan City Brewery for trivia at 7:00 PM. Come earlier for a scrumptious dinner!!!

The Main Cup Report

The December local mission was the Angel Tree at the Harrison County Family Resource Center. We raised $200.00. Thank you for your support. The Mission for January 3 is the Prom. A percentage of our sales plus donations will go toward helping kids with the prom attire. Please come into the shop on Friday, January 3.

The ongoing international mission for the coffee shop is Living Waters for the World. From the first month of operation. The Main Cup has been a monthly contributor to this very important Presbyterian Mission.

The next meeting of the Main Cup Board is Wednesday, January 29, at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Mission’s Committee

January’s item for the Food Pantry is: Beef Stew

You can drop off at the church items for the Food Pantry on Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Thank you to everyone who donates to the Food Pantry!

The End of the Month Meal is on January 25 beginning at noon and the Cases and the Tuckers will be hosting this month.

Presbyterian Women News

The Presbyterian Women would appreciate your assistance throughout the year by collecting cancelled stamps from your mail (see photo below). The stamps will be collected and turned into Transylvania Presbytery for the “Stamp Out Hunger“ program in our area. There is a box for collection on the table in the chapel outside of the church office. Thank you so much for helping in this much needed program.

Anna Myers McKee Circle:

Meets on Wednesday, January 8 at 10:00 AM at the Church. Lesson 5 will be studied.


Meets on Tuesday, January 14 at 7:00 PM at the Church.

Presbyterian Women Executive Board Meeting:

Meets on January 21 at 4:00 PM at the Church.

The Presbyweb Circle met for the December meeting at the church with Tina Swinford as our hostess with sausage English muffins, cheese and pineapple hors d’oeuvres, Christmas cookies and delicious hot caramel cider. Leigh Geisler opened our meeting with a reading from the Advent Devotional and assured us that we can all do something greater with our lives. Sherri presented the minutes and Treasurer’s report which were approved as written. The Deacons will be responsible for the End of the Month Meal when they will be serving ham, potatoes, green beans, rolls and dessert. The church will be asked to provide desserts. Teresa shared that the last Sunday in January will be a soup and sandwich mission for the back pack meals. Group photos of what was purchased for the four Family Resource Center Angels, was shared with all. In new business, the group was reminded that we will be hosting the Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering on April 26. The church will be hosting the Presbytery Quarterly Meeting on March 1. Tallu and others shared that the Main Cup will open on December 22 for a special fund raiser for the family of Jacob Craycraft. The congregation is asked to provide desserts. Ginny Tucker presented Lesson 4, Water Justice. We discussed that water is prominent in the Bible and that water is life. The lack of water, too much water, or polluted water can mean death. Laura Sanders presented Lesson 5, Air Quality. Wind itself often signals a Holy moment. The breath of life is from God. Our next meeting will be January 14 at the church with Meg Ammerman as hostess and Ginny Tucker will provide the Devotion. Sue Lake will provide Lesson 6: Climate Change. All are encouraged to come and share fellowship with us. We ended our meeting with the Mizpah Prayer.

Presbyterian Women’s Mission Program for 2025

Soup and Sandwich Potluck

January 26, 2025

Immediately following worship

The Presbyterian Women Mission for 2025 is to support the Snack Bag Food Program for Harrison County Family Youth Services (HCYFS)

Mission Purpose:

To benefit and assist the HCYFS in providing food to the children that have insufficient needs;

HCYFS delivers bags of food to the schools on the 3rd and 4th Fridays of each month for the students to take home.

The food items are easily prepared by the students.

An Offering will be taken and 100% of the donation will be used to support this worthy cause. Last year, we donated over 170 bags of snack food. The HCYFS appreciates all of your efforts.

Let’s walk in Jesus’s footsteps and feed our flocks

A sign - up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board for either Soup, Sandwiches or Desserts!

Please join us in supporting this worthy project!

Please contact Teresa Davis with any questions.