Welcome to “The Good Life Digest“ where you can find ways to serve our Lord, the church and community!

The Pastor’s Desk

The Lenten season is quickly heading our way! I’d like to just highlight what we’ve got planned for this year:

We begin by enjoying “Fat Tuesday“ “Mardi Gras“ on Shrove Tuesday March 4 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in fellowship hall. We’ll be enjoying a meal of pancakes and sausages, with coffee and water! This tradition of pancakes was a way to use up rich ingredients like eggs, milk and sugar before the fasting period of Lent begins. This practice began as a way to avoid wasting food that couldn’t be consumed during the 40 days of Lent, which called for simpler meals. Come and enjoy, I understand we may be having some festive Mardi Gras music as well.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5, our morning contemplative prayer services will begin each Wednesday in Lent. This service will take place at 6:45 am in the chapel area. You don’t have to sing, just listen, pray, and have a chance to have a mid-week respite from the chaotic world outside. The service is short, only about 15-20 minutes and includes communion. Immediately afterwards, head over to the Main Cup for a complimentary cup of coffee and a morning pastry at no charge to you. Last year we had 12 or so folks at these services. Please consider inviting others who may find a mid-week moment helpful. On this first Wednesday evening at 6:00 we will have a service in the sanctuary featuring again, a contemplative time with the imposition of ashes at its conclusion.

Every Wednesday in Lent, the 6:45 AM services will continue. Come join us if you are able!

Worship Committee

Lectionary Readings for: February

March 2: Transfiguration of the Lord

  • Exodus 34: 29-35

  • Luke 9: 28-36, (37-43a)

    March 9:

  • Deuteronomy 26: 1-11

  • Luke 4: 1-13

    March 16:

  • Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18

  • Luke 13: 31-35

    March 23:

  • Isaiah 55: 1-9

  • Luke 13: 1-9

    March 30:

  • Joshua 5: 9-12

  • Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32

Worship Assistants for 2025

Ushers for March: Jay Sanders and Michael Beasley
The names of the Deacons listed
first of every month is the Head DEACON for that month. They are also in charge of their Flock who will attend Cedar Ridge Service at the first Sunday of the month.

Sunday School starts at 10:00 AM

Worship Service starts at 11:00 AM

Liturgist for March is Betsey Smith

Communion Preparer for March : Betsy Clyde

Our Cedar Ridge Service is March 2 at 2:00 PM. Please be at Cedar Ridge by 1:45 PM to visit with the “church crowd” and help pass out hymnals.

Flock 5 (Woodcocks), Deacon: Jay Sanders - Laura Sanders, Jackson Sanders, Jacob Sanders, Jim & Tina, Rachel Swinford, Marilyn & Gene Richie, Cheryl & Butch Case, R T Case, Laura & Mike Wachter, Sherri & Mike, Devon Williams, Emily & Jason, Cooper & Gracen Wright, Emily & Tim, Mason Curtsinger, Erin & Luke Bradford, Susan Rose .

Education & Nurture Committee



March 5: Steve Alexander

March 7: Regina Swinford

March 10: Elon Diss

March 13: Morgan McDaniel, Tom McKee

March 14: Justin Newcomb

March 15: Kate Foley

March 18: Debbie Selin

March 20: Harold Martin

March 24: Anna Cooper Bagby

March 25: Austin Dacci, R J Ratliff

March 27: Greg Cooper

March 29: Mike Williams


March 6: Shawn & Brandi Brewer

The prayer concerns listed below are prayed for during the morning worship services. The Education and Nurture Committee provide a card for the congregants to sign. These prayer cards will be mailed to people for whom we pray. If you are adding a name to our concerns list, please provide the address to the church office. The church will be responsible for mailing the card. Please remember to sign the cards before or after worship. They are placed in the narthex of the church.

Prayer Concerns

Peace in USA,
Victims of the LA fires, Victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, Flood victims in Kentucky, Election in Germany, Peace in Europe, Ukraine and Israel, Mission Personnel, Teachers and Students, Pastor Nominating Committee

Cedar Ridge -

Harold & Vel Martin, Bill Probus, Lois Sifford, Elmer Smith, Zel Schulman

A -

Bob Ammerman

B -

Jerome Beasley (Father of Michael Beasley), Joan Bowan (Sherri Williams’ Mother), Melinda Renaker Boyer, Dalton Brooks (12yr old - serious accident)

C -

Eden Carter, Rev. Curtis T. Christian (Pastor at Richmond 1st Pres - Injuries from fall), Dan Clark, Lance Curtis

D -

Nash Diss

F -

Dan Fischer, Sheila Preece Frey, Cassie Fryman, Ruth Fryman

G -

The family of Joe Gabbard (Teresa Davis’ nephew), Andy Gawura (terminal illiness), Melinda Clyde Greenwood

H -

Hoppy Hinton, Darrin Hill (Paul Tucker’s cousin), April Hutchinson

J -

Brayden Jude, Julie Bowen Jude, Angela Harney Judy

K -

John Kirk

L -

Reba Lewis (Ed Smith’s cousin), Angela Livingood

M -

Leslie Martin, Mark Mattmiller

N -

Montana Nickel (Needs stem cells)


P -

Rod Paris, Rachel Florence Poe, Pope Francis, Beverly Midden Price, Kathy Pritt

R -

Les & Barbra Renkey (Ed Smith’s Step Father and Mother), Lisa Rodgers, Barbara Rosenbaum, Joe Rosenbaum, Colleen O’Keefe Rush (Neil Rush’s Sister-In-Law)

S -

Emma Smith, Paula Smith

T -

Paul Tucker

W -

Mark Wells, Jessica West (Jill Rosenbaum’s Sister), Kay Whitaker, James Williams, Danny Joe Wilson (12 yr old grandson of Zona Fryman)

Administration & Finance Committee

Cynthiana Presbyterian Church - Congregational Offerings and Expenses:

For January:

January 2025 Congregational Offerings - $7,178.67

January 2025 Expenses - $18,976.66

Fellowship and Membership Activities

Reading Between The Wines:

We meet the First Wednesday of every month at Pike Street Winehouse from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Bring a book and join us for a great conversation and a moment to enjoy the book your reading.

Believe it or Not Book Club:

Meets on Tuesday, March 18 at noon at the Main Cup. The book is How We Learn To Be Brave by (Bishop) Mariann Edgar Budde. Yes, she’s THAT Bishop!

Third Thursday Trivia Night:

Is set for March 20. Meet at Maidan City Brewery for trivia at 7:00 PM. Come earlier for a scrumptious dinner!!!

Do you want to grow a Garden?

As the price of food increases, the Fellowship Committee is encouraging everyone to plant a few vegetables. There will be seeds available on the table between the Chapel and the stairs leading to the Sunday School rooms. Take a few seeds and plant in a small space. We have 3 goals: to save money, bring extra to church to share, and provide fresh vegetables for the food pantry.

The Main Cup Report

The February Mission benefited the snack bag program. We raised $163.50, collected a lot of pop tarts, and had a wonderful day!

The March local mission is on Friday, March 7, and we are raising money for Leadership Harrison County. They want to put more benches at Flat Run Veterans Park. Please come by the shop, get your coffee and danish, and contribute to the day.

As always, the international mission for The Main Cup is Living Waters for the World. We have been a monthly contributor to this amazing organization since our opening.

The next meeting of the Main Cup Board is Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30 PM on ZOOM.

Mission’s Committee

March’s item for the Food Pantry is: canned fruit

You can drop off at the church items for the Food Pantry on Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Thank you to everyone who donates to the Food Pantry!

The End of the Month Meal is on March 29 beginning at noon and the Presbywebs will be hosting this month.

Presbyterian Women News

The Presbyterian Women would appreciate your assistance throughout the year by collecting cancelled stamps from your mail (see photo below). The stamps will be collected and turned into Transylvania Presbytery for the “Stamp Out Hunger“ program in our area. There is a box for collection on the table in the chapel outside of the church office. Thank you so much for helping in this much needed program.

Anna Myers McKee Circle:

Meets on Wednesday, March 5 at 10:00 AM at the Church. Lesson 7 will be studied.


Meets on Tuesday, March 11 at 7:00 PM at the Church.

!!! Upcoming Events in April !!!

The annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on April 13 following Morning Worship Service. Donations of individually wrapped candy would be greatly appreciated. There will be a basket for candy on the table outside the church office. Thanks so much for your support in this Easter activity for our children.

Let’s go to the theater!!! Steel Magnolias is coming to the stage in April. Our own Casey Newcomb is in the cast! We would like to have a block of Presbyterians at the Sunday matinee performance on April 27. The tickets are $12.50 and money can be given to Tallu Smith. The sign-up sheet is in the hallway beside the Fellowship Hall.