Church Officers
The Session is comprised of 9 active members who are nominated to 3 - Year Terms of Service and to be known as “Ruling Elders“. Ruling Elders, together with the teaching elders (Pastors), exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as the whole church.
Clerk of Session - Laura Sanders
Church Treasurer - Dr. Neil Rush
Class of 2025 - Mike Davis, Bill Swinford, Sherri Williams
Class of 2026 - Debbie Cooper, Sue McKee, Ginny Tucker
Class of 2027 - Boyd Marx, Ed Smith
The Deacons is comprised of 6 active members who are nominated to 2 - Year Terms of Service. The ministry of the deacon set forth in Scriptures is one of Compassion, Witness, and Service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, and the oppressed.
Class of 2025 - Teresa Davis (Chr.), Chris Newcomb, Jay Sanders
Class of 2026 - Michael Beasley, Austin Dacci, Besty Smith
The Board of Trustees is comprised of 3 active members who are nominated to 3 - Year Terms of Service. The Trustees supervise church endowments and other assets, oversee the Memorial Fund and sign any legal documents on behalf of the church.
2025 - Gene Richie
2026 - Laura Wachter
2027 - Jim Swinford
The ongoing journey of the Presbyterian Women is to form a community of women:
*to study and nurture their faith through prayer and Bible study
*to support the mission of the church worldwide
*to work for justice and peace
*to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to promise of God's Kingdom
At the Cynthiana Presbyterian Church all women of the congregation are considered Presbyterian Women. There are two circles that meet for Bible study. On the first Wednesday of each month the Anna Myers McKee Circle meet at 10:00 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month the Presbywebs meet at 7:00 p.m.
Presbyterian Women Executive Board 2024-2025
Moderator: Laura Sanders
Vice Moderator: Tallu Smith
Secretary: Sherri Williams
Treasurer: Sherri Williams
Historian: Tina Swinford
Christian Community Action
Chairman: Betsy Clyde
Ecumencial Missions and Relations
Chairman: Teresa Davis
Co-Chairman: Laura Sanders
Leadership and Resources
Chairman: Cheryl Case
Co-Chairman: Chris Newcomb
Personal Faith and Family
Chairman: Ginny Tucker
Co-Chairman: Myrna Slade
Member at Large: Kitty Lake

Our Church is organized by committees to aid in the ministries of the church.
Mission Committee: Chaired by Ginny Tucker. This Committee is responsible for planning, supervising and promoting the End of the Month Meal ministry, work with local service agencies of Harrison County, designate church mission funds for use in the local community and beyond.
Property and Planning Committee: Chaired by Mike Davis. Oversees budget for utilities, maintenance and repairs, implement plans for regular care of the church grounds.
Education and Nurture: Chaired by Sue McKee. This Committee is involved in providing supplies, equipment and teaching staff for Sunday School, Youth Program, Vacation Bible School program, etc.
Administration and Finance: Chaired by Dr. Neil Rush. This Committee recommends budget for the Session. Make recommendations for Special Offerings, review and revise job descriptions and compensation for staff members.
Worship Committee: Chaired by Ed Smith. This Committee plans the Church Worship Calendar with the pastor, provides sacraments for worship services and encourages members to use their gifts and talents to assist in worship leadership.
Fellowship Committee: Chaired by Debbie Cooper. The Committee endeavors to provide avenues of connection with other church members, as well as the community at large. Some of our events are: a county fair on Zoom, Paint Palooza, Cooking with Cheryl, Derby Eve Cocktail Party, and Sewing with Meg just to name a few.
Technology Committee: Currently an Adhoc of the Session. The Technology Committee of the Cynthiana Presbyterian Church was established to enhance the communication of the church's message. The committee wants to inspire and encourage through outreach communication by providing technical support to enhance worship services through ZOOM and Facebook Live. They will maintain the church's website as well as maintain Facebook and Instagram presence with integrity and attention to abiding to the church's mission statement.

The Church membership is divided into “flocks” to keep in touch with and care for each members needs. Each flock is headed by a Deacon.
Deacon: Teresa Davis - Chairperson
Mike Davis
Joe, Jill & Barbara Rosenbaum
David Wirebaugh
Julian Gray
George Paul Hehr Jr.
Mryna Slade
Jim Willison
Neil & Kathy Rush
Kate Foley, Emma, Nash and Elon Diss
Kay Johnson
Nancie & Don Loppnow
Deacon: Chris Newcomb
Casey & Oliver Newcomb
Meg & Bob Ammerman
Sue & Kitty Lake
Mary Anne Taylor-Hall
Harold & Vel Martin
Cindy, Addison, Mason Moore
Bill & Regina Swinford
Andrew Swinford
Justin & Maggie Newcomb
Jean Holley
Lorilyn Howie-Kipphut
Deacon - Jay Sanders
Laura Sanders
Jackson Sanders
Jacob Sanders
Jim, Tina & Rachel Swinford
Butch & Cheryl Case
R T Case
Erin & Luke Bradford
Emily & Tim, Mason Curtsinger
Amanda & Jason, Cooper & Gracen Wright
Laura & Mike Wachter
Mike , Sherri & Devon Williams
Gene & Marilyn Richie
Susan Rose
Deacon: Betsy Smith
Ed Smith
Huck, Tammy & Logan Bruce
Ruth Fryman
Steve, Mary Beth & John Alexander
Jim & Betsy Clyde
Tom & Sue McKee
Jim & Colby McKee
Bill & Debbie Selin
Deacon: Michael Beasley
Tonya & Lavender Beasley
Phyllis Case
Fred & Amanda Caudill
Marilyn Willhoit
Ginny & Paul Tucker
Mildred Hehr
Mark Mattmiller
Janet & Scott McCauley
Annette Stewart
Tallu Smith
Kathy and Jeanne Meacham
Deacon - Austin Dacci
Kelsey & Charlotte Dacci
Greg & Debbie Cooper
J W Burrier
Theresa & Rusty Cook
R J & Anne Ratliff
Jane Thomas
Darwin & Linda Root
Lois Sifford
Mark & Mary Ann Sifford
Wendy Sifford
Russ, Crystle, John & Nash Arnold